source: University of Texas at AustinCoal ash—the chalky remnants of coal that has been burned for fuel—has been piling up across the United States for decades. But new research led by The University of Texas at Austin has found that the national coal ash supply contains enough rare earth elements to significantly bolster the national supply without any new mining."This really exemplifies the 'trash to treasure' mantra," said co-lead author Bridget Scanlon, a research professor at UT's Bureau of Economic Geology at the Jackson School of Geosciences. "We're basica...
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Recovering in-demand metals for new electronics—researchers find industrial-strength adsorbents soak up lanthanum source: Canadian Light SourceNearly all technology today—from cellphones to computers to MRI scanners—contains rare earth elements (REEs). The global market for REEs is predicted to reach $6.2 billion (USD) this year and $16.1 billion (USD) by 2034.High concentrations of one particular REE—lanthanum—are often found in mine tailings. Runoff from this waste can make its way into nearby bodies of water where it poses a risk t...
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Fluid-specific detection of environmental pollutant moxifloxacin hydrochloride utilizing a rare-earth niobate decorated functionalized carbon nanofiber sensor platform source:sciencedirectAbstractThe development of precise and efficient detection methods is essential for the real-time monitoring of antibiotics, especially in environmental and biological matrices. This study aims to address this challenge by introducing a novel electrochemical sensor for the targeted detection of moxifloxacin hydrochloride (MFN), a fourth-generation fluoroquinolone. The sensor is based on a holmium ...
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Combining APCS-MLR model to evaluate the distribution and sources of rare earth elements in a large catchment source:sciencedirectAbstractRare earth elements (REEs), functioning as indicators for environmental tracking, revealing the impacts of human activities on changes in aquatic ecosystems. However, systematic research on the geochemical characteristics of REEs in large river basins remains relatively scarce. Therefore, this research investigates the geochemical properties of REEs within the Yangtze River basin, analyzing the quantity and spatial distribution of REEs in surface aquati...
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