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Reach Resources reports high-grade niobium and rare earth assays from Wabli Creek

The date of: 2024-06-14
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Assays from rock chip sampling at Reach Resources’ (ASX: RR1) Wabli Creek project in Western Australia have identified a primary source of high-grade niobium / rare earth element-enriched pegmatites, previously only found in surface eluvial samples on site.
The granitic pegmatites have been confirmed as a primary source of mineralisation with the best assays of 17.65% niobium oxide, 0.15% yttrium oxide, 10.81% tantalum oxide, 31.39% titanium oxide and 0.37% TREO (total rare earth oxides).
The results, chipped straight off the bedrock, hold similar concentrations to previously-reported weathered surface material 500 metres away that graded 32% niobium oxide and 2.57% TREO.
Bedrock source
The in-situ (or bedrock) source is believed to be parented by an ovoid late-stage intrusive feature, with a possible carbonatite association highlighted last month by Southern Geoscience.
This feature is younger than the surrounding country rock and the majority of the niobium-yttrium-titanium-rare earths mineralised margin zone is reported to be poorly exposed and under-explored.
Chief executive officer Jeremy Bower said the latest in-situ results, together with the ovoid feature, provide a “fundamental change” to Wabli Creek’s prospectivity.
“We did not know whether the hard rock source material would hold similar concentrations as earlier surface eluvium samples, however the results have been extremely promising.”
“The recent identification of the late-stage intrusive adds weight to the theory that we may have more high-grade material to discover.”
Alkali signature
Initial geochemistry indicated that the intrusive had an alkali signature and was on the same continuum as a carbonatite.
“Further work has been planned to investigate whether we have a carbonatite source in addition to these rare earth pegmatites,” Mr Bower said.
“We have engaged Southern Geoscience to interpret detailed geophysical data covering the project area, designed to pinpoint more pegmatites beneath the cover.”
Return visit planned
The Wabli Creek project comprises the Wabli Creek and Wabli Creek North targets.
Mr Bower confirmed that samples for the latest rock chip program were taken only from the Wabli Creek tenements.
He added that the company would return to the site for additional sampling once heritage discussions with local native title holders had progressed.

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