How protein fragments can be used for the recycling of electronics wasteSource:CHEMEUROPEWithout important key elements such as copper or rare earth metals, the electronics industry would grind to a halt and electricity would cease to flow. End-of-life products like discarded energy-saving lamps, mobile phones and computers could provide an important secondary source for these valuable elements; however, they are difficult to recover. Unless, that is, small protein fragments are used to ‘fish’ them out – a technique described by researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) an...
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Source:Financial TimesLynas, one of the world’s major suppliers of rare earths outside China, is searching for alternative locations in case it is forced to close the world’s largest processing plant of the material in Malaysia following a government review.Amanda Lacaze, chief executive of the Australian-listed company, said she was confident Lynas would pass the environmental review ordered by the ruling coalition, which came to power in Malaysia in May after the surprise electoral victory of Mahathir Mohamad.Ms Lacaze told the Financial Times in an interview that a negative review would ala...
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U.S. gives rare earths reprieve in revised $200 billion China tariff listSource:BUSINESS NEWSBEIJING (Reuters) - The United States did not include rare earth elements, metals used in magnets, radars and consumer electronics, from its final list of tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods, underscoring its reliance on China for the strategic minerals.China is the world’s largest producer of rare earths and the biggest supplier to the United States, according the U.S. Geological Survey.Rare earth elements and minor metals have broad applications in U.S. industry, ranging from jet engines to mobi...
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Source:Investing News NetworkMarket demand for rare earth metals is seeing a huge boost.By most accounts, the green technology revolution is imminent and will be massive. We’re already seeing the early days of a shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewables with the rise of electric and hybrid vehicles and wind turbines increasingly popping up across the landscape. While still relatively novel sights in North America, these technologies are poised to take over quickly.At the center of this revolution are the raw materials needed to make these technologies function and this means incredib...
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