source:MirageA Laramie business that originated at the University of Wyoming has received a $200,000 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant to develop and commercialize instrumentation platforms for the nondestructive manipulation and analysis of micro- and nano-sized materials.“This ability is highly sought after in the fields of nuclear forensics, nanomedicine and semiconductor fabrication,” says Caleb Hill, an assistant professor in the UW Department of Chemistry and co-founder of Wyonics. “The grant will provide the funds needed to set up a new research and development program at Wyonics, d...
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source:Physics worldGerman nanotechnology specialist attocube says its attoDRY800 cryostat enables quantum scientists to “reclaim the optical table” and focus on their research not the experimental set-up. Twin-track innovations in cryogenic cooling and optical table design are “creating the space” for fundamental scientific breakthroughs in quantum communications, allowing researchers to optimize the performance of secure, long-distance quantum key distribution (QKD) using engineered single-photon-emitting light sources.In a proof-of-concept study last year, Tobias Heindel and colleague...
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source:SingularityHubA quantum internet could play a key role in tying together many of the most promising applications for quantum technologies. The main impetus for quantum communication networks today is security, because a feature of messages encoded in quantum states is that reading them changes their content, alerting the receiver to any eavesdropping.But being able to share quantum states over large distances has other promising applications as well. For a start, it could allow quantum computers in different locations to share data, creating distributed quantum computers much more power...
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source:ProactiveAmerican Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:AREC) CEO Mark Jensen tells Proactive that in conjunction with sponsored research partner Purdue University, the group has successfully achieved a high purity of the rare earth element (REE) — neodymium (Nd).Jensen says through the recycling of waste permanent magnets, it was able to separate, isolate, and purify the inherent neodymium to a 99.5% purity, a standard required for high-quality permanent magnet manufacturing.
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