source:Small CapsPerth-based explorer Venus Metals Corporation (ASX: VMC) has confirmed that regional soil surveys in the Mangaroon North project area in Western Australia’s Gascoyne region have identified a series of rare earth, gold and platinum group elements (PGE) targets.An initial geochemical reconnaissance survey outlined multiple target areas for follow-up in an area which abuts Dreadnought Resources’ (ASX: DRE) Mangaroon tenure.The results showed total rare earth oxide (TREO) concentrations of up to 1,611 parts per million and anomalous neodymium (316ppm) in an ironstone specimen, ind...
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source:Phys.orgNew technologies and expanding electrification mean a growing need for both common and uncommon metals, such as rare earth metals. One of Europe's largest deposits is in Norra Kärr outside of Gränna 'Norra Kärr can help make the EU self-sufficient in rare earth metals,' says Axel Sjöqvist, author of a new doctoral thesis at the University of Gothenburg. Reliable sources of rare earth metals are required to successfully transition to green energy and for new production of wind turbines and electrical cars. Rare earth metals are used in de...
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source:SciTechDailyA new way of processing rare-earth and other key metals to separate them from other materials could reduce environmental impact and cost.New processing methods developed by MIT researchers could help ease looming shortages of the essential metals that power everything from phones to automotive batteries, by making it easier to separate these rare metals from mining ores and recycled materials.Selective adjustments within a chemical process called sulfidation allowed professor of metallurgy Antoine Allanore and his graduate student Caspar Stinn to successfully target and sepa...
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source:Utah Business2016 study by the Pew Research Center found that 89 percent of respondents favored expanding solar panel farms and 83 percent of respondents indicated they’d like to see more wind turbine farms. People are not so universally aligned on all energy debates, however. The same 2016 study found that just 43 percent of the public favored expanding the use of nuclear power plants. A Pew report from May found that only 47 percent of adults support phasing out production of gasoline-powered cars and trucks. Energy Fuels Resources’ White Mesa Mill in San Juan County finds itself...
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