source:PhyResearchers at Harvard University, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Arizona State University, and other institutes in the United States have recently observed an antiferromagnetic metal phase in electron-doped NdNiO3 a material known to be a non-collinear antiferromagnet (i.e., exhibiting an onset of antiferromagnetic ordering that is concomitant with a transition into an insulating state).'Previous works on the rare-earth nickelates (RNiO3) have found them to host a rather exotic phase of magnetism known as a 'noncollinear antiferromagnet,'' Qi Song, Spence...
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source:phys.orgRecycling high-value rare earth elements from NdFeB waste can save resources, reduce industrial waste, protect the environment and bring considerable economic benefits. However, most traditional recovery methods take a long time to process, have high acid consumption, and low selectivity.In a study published in Separation and Purification Technology, the research group led by Prof. Yang Fan from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a new integrated method for recycling permanent magnet waste by betaine hydrochloride ...
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Researchers find nanoparticles of a rare earth metal used in MRI contrast agents can infiltrate kidney tissue source:medicalxpressPhysicians routinely prescribe an infusion containing gadolinium to enhance MRI scans, but there is evidence that nanoparticles of the toxic rare earth metal infiltrate kidney cells, sometimes triggering severe side effects, University of New Mexico researchers have found.In the worst cases, gadolinium, an element that has no biologic function, can trigger nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a painful disease that affects the skin and organs and is often fatal.In a ...
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source:innovationnewsnetworkHaving acquired the project in early 2021, Eclipse has spent two years building up its knowledge and understanding of the licence, through sampling as well as evaluating historic drill samples and data from the project’s history of mining production. Historic production at MEL2007-45 includes 3.8 million tonnes of high-grade cryolite, produced over 120 years for the aluminium industry, from the world’s largest known minable resource of naturally occurring cryolite.The project includes two primary assets. In addition to the Ivigtût cryolite resource, Eclipse is ...
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