Aug 19 (Reuters) - Returning to power in Afghanistan after a 20-year absence, the Taliban have regained control of natural resources that a former mines minister of the country once said could be worth up to $3 trillion.That estimate was made toward the end of the last commodities supercycle in 2010 and could be worth even more now, after a global economic recovery from the coronavirus shock sent prices for everything from copper to lithium soaring this year.Afghanistan is rich in resources like copper, gold, oil, natural gas, uranium, bauxite, coal, iron ore, rare earths, lithium, chromium, l...
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source:Aluminium insiderustralian Bauxite Limited (ABx) announced yesterday a significant new increase in the size of its rare earth reserves at its DL130 bauxite-REE project in northern Tasmania.ABx says new assay results show greater concentrations in the immediate area of high-priced REE elements like Neodymium, Praseodymium, Terbium, and Dysprosium. The findings show that the deposits are zoned, which will influence the way ABx conducts testing going forward.The firm says that the REE found at DL130 can be used in a wide variety of applications across several areas, including for super mag...
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source:LASER&SOURCESThe 3 petawatt (3 PW) ZEUS laser at the University of Michigan (U-M; Ann Arbor, MI) has been awarded $18.5 million by the National Science Foundation (NSF; Alexandria, VA) to establish it as a federally funded international user facility. ZEUS is expected to begin its first experiments in early 2022.The U.S. built the world’s first petawatt laser in 1996, but hasn’t kept pace with more ambitious systems under construction elsewhere in the world. This includes two 10 PW lasers in Europe and a 5.3 PW laser in China, which also has plans to build a 100 PW laser. While the ...
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source:Tech news incn 2012, the physicist Frank Wilczek He put forward a strange theory: according to him, there is a structure made up of a group of particles that move periodically and return to their original state; He baptized this structure, the “time crystal”.This name comes under what is observed in the “classic” crystal. In fact, The structure of a regular crystal will show a repeating pattern in different directions in space. However, in a time crystal, the pattern repeats periodically over time, like an oscillator. The physicist also adds that time crystal It must be distinguished fr...
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